A traineeship is a work placement programme designed to prepare participants for the world of work and give them a leg up towards an apprenticeship or starting role. Traineeships are available to motivated teenagers and young adults between 16 and 24, who are struggling to enter the world of work. Programmes can last anywhere between six weeks and six months and gives trainees the skills needed to be considered work-ready.

Traineeships cover three core bases:

  • A high-quality work experience placement with an employer

  • Work preparation training, provided by a training provider

  • Maths and English support, unless an individual has achieved an A*-C grade in these subjects or a functional skills qualification at level 2


  • Traineeships are a window of opportunity for people struggling to enter the world of work with their existing credentials and qualifications. Through practical experience, traineeships teach you the ins and outs of a particular industry and provide insight into the typical tasks you will be expected to undertake in full-time employment.

  • Many trainees go on to work in the organisation that conducted their traineeship. However, if you decide that path isn’t right for you, then you have the advantage of valuable work experience to add to your CV and a meaningful written reference.

  • If, prior to the traineeship, your maths and English grades weren’t up to par, you will also benefit from additional support to boost your career prospects and improve your literacy and numeracy.

Click the button below to see the current traineeships we deliver